How To Use Yostream For Internal Communication?

Use Yostream as an alternative for Zoom meetings. Upgrade.

Published Sept. 18, 2024
Author Yostream
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You can use Yostream studio as a meeting tool for your organization. You can use it as a Zoom alternative. The steps are very simple: just open the studio and invite your guests. You can also schedule your events in advance and gather registrations.

How to record your internal communications (step by step):

Step 1: Start a studio

Go to dashboard and start studio. Choose 'Live Stream Studio' for ready to use recordings and 'Podcast Studio' for very High Quality videos which can be used for repurposing.

Start a studio

Step 2: Invite your guests

Invite Guests

Step 3: Hit the record button

Start recording - Yostream

Step 4: Download the files

In your 'Dashboard' go the 'Recordings' on the left panel and access all your recordings ready to play and download.

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Why use Yostream for internal communications?

You’re likely no stranger to using Yostream for multi-streaming and recording podcasts, but have you considered its potential for internal communications?
By leveraging Yostream’s features, you can create a centralized hub for executive content, townhalls, and training sessions, ensuring all employees stay informed. Let us take a look at these in detail:

Record executive content and make it accessible for team

Recording executive content and making it accessible to your team can greatly boost internal communications. When you record executive meetings, updates, or messages, you’re creating a valuable resource for your team members.

By making these recordings accessible, you’re enabling everyone to stay informed and up-to-date on company decisions, goals, and initiatives.

You can use Yostream to record executive content with ease. Simply start the studio, invite members and click the “Record” button. This way, you can guarantee that all executive communications are captured and saved for future reference.

Making these recordings accessible is just as important as recording them in the first place. You can then share the recordings with your team, or upload them to a shared drive or internal knowledge base.

This way, team members can access the recordings at their convenience, and refer back to them as needed. By taking these simple steps, you can improve internal communications and keep your team informed and engaged.

Capture Townhall content

As you expand your internal communications strategy, you’ll likely want to capture content from larger gatherings, such as townhalls. This can be achieved by recording townhall meetings on Yostream, allowing those who couldn’t attend to stay informed and up-to-date on key discussions. You can also livestream the townhall events.

These recordings can be easily shared across the organization, helping to prevent information silos and guarantee everyone is on the same page.

Recording townhalls on Yostream also provides an opportunity to create a centralized knowledge base. By storing these recordings in a single location, such as a shared drive or internal communications platform, you can create a valuable resource for employees.

This can be especially useful for new hires, who can access recordings from past townhalls to get up to speed on company initiatives and policies.

Create internal podcasts for employees

The podcasting capabilities allow you to expand your reach and connect with employees on a more personal level. By creating internal podcasts, you can share company updates, showcase employee stories, and provide valuable insights that resonate with your workforce.

Internal podcasts offer a unique way to communicate with employees who may not have the time or preference to watch video content. You can create episodic content that’s easy to consume, whether it’s during their daily commute or while working out.

Yostream makes it simple to record and distribute your internal podcasts, ensuring that your message reaches across organization.

Build usable training material

How effectively do you onboard new employees or upskill existing ones? Delivering high-quality training is essential for employee development and business growth.

With Yostream, you can build engaging and effective training materials that cater to different learning styles. You can create live or pre-recorded training sessions using Yostream’s studio. This allows you to incorporate various multimedia elements, such as screen sharing, polls, and Q&A sessions, to keep trainees engaged.

You can create a library of training materials that employees can access at any time. This is useful for new hires or employees who need to refresh their knowledge on specific topics.

Key Advantages Of using Yostream over other means for internal communication within an organisation

Advantages over traditional VoIP:

  1. Peer-to-Peer Communication: Yostream allows for direct communication between peers without the need for a central server, reducing latency and improving scalability.
  2. No Data Center Dependencies: can operate independently of traditional data centers, making it a more reliable and resilient option.
  3. Faster Call Setup: can establish connections faster than traditional VoIP systems, reducing wait times for users.

Enhanced Collaboration:

  1. Real-time Video and Audio Conferences: Yostream enables high-quality video and audio conferencing, making remote collaboration more effective.
  2. Screen Sharing and Remote Desktop: allows users to share their screens or remote desktops with others, streamlining collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  3. File Transfer and Sharing: enables easy file transfer and sharing, simplifying the process of collaboration and feedback.

Security and Compliance:

  1. End-to-End Encryption: Yostream data is encrypted by default, ensuring that sensitive information remains secure.
  2. No Data Storage: transmissions are not stored anywhere, reducing the risk of data breaches and compliance issues.
  3. Audit Trail: provides a secure and transparent communication trail, making it easier to detect and investigate incidents.

Operational Efficiency:

  1. Scalability: Yostream can handle large volumes of internal communication, making it an effective solution for growing organizations.
  2. Reduced IT Support: It's self-service model reduces the need for IT support, freeing up resources for more strategic initiatives.
  3. Cost-Effective: more cost-effective than traditional VoIP systems, reducing the overall cost of communication.


  1. Browser-Based: Yostream is built into web browsers, ensuring that communication tools are always up-to-date and easily accessible.
  2. API Integration: can be integrated with other applications and services, enabling a seamless user experience.

Overall, using Yostream for internal communication within an organization can provide a more secure, efficient, and scalable solution that enhances collaboration and reduces costs.

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