Just Launched: Schedule Your Live Streams And Events On Yostream

Set the date, ignite the hype!

Published Feb. 10, 2024
Author Yostream

To stay ahead of the curve in the fast-paced world of live streaming, every second matters. Considering the significance of scheduling live streams, the much-anticipated ‘Schedule Events’ feature of Yostream has just been released, giving content creators and streamers a whole new level of ease and professionalism.

The days of spontaneous live sessions are over. With the help of this feature, you can prepare your events or webinars ahead of time and give your audience and yourself a more planned and organized experience.

The interactive interface of Yostream allows streamers to create and schedule events with just a few clicks effortlessly. You're all set to go once you enter the event title, choose the day and time, and write a catchy description!

What are some key benefits of scheduling live streams and events?

Scheduled live events give viewers the convenience of anticipating and arranging their involvement, while also giving streamers a strategic framework for organizing and planning their live streams. For creators and viewers, this new feature makes live streaming a more organized, dependable, and engaging endeavor. Let’s explore some of the important benefits one gets from scheduling live streams and events:

1. Better content planning and preparation for live streams and events:

A well-planned schedule allows streamers to focus on various parts of the live streams like introductions, Q&A sessions, interactive features (overlays, backgrounds, logos, audio-visual, etc.), presentations, etc. This helps to ensure that the live stream flows naturally and coherently from start to finish. This helps streamers arrange their content more efficiently and guarantees that they have enough time for careful planning and rehearsal.

2. Building anticipation among audiences for events

Streamers can create a sense of excitement and anticipation by announcing their live streams at a specified time and day, which will encourage potential viewers to mark their calendars. Viewers who are aware of and enthusiastic about scheduled events are more likely to tune in, exchange information, and spread the word to others, which aids in the development of a devoted fan base.

3. Increased viewer counts and engagement

By giving viewers a clear indication of when the event will be available, scheduling greatly increases user engagement and views of live streams. Secondly, potential viewers are more likely to be aware of the live stream and plan to attend, leading to a higher turnout. Since scheduling an event on Yostream doesn’t require any technical expertise or a good deal of money, streamers can easily see their channel grow.

4. Flexibility to edit date, time, and other details

A scheduled event enables streamers to efficiently inform their viewers of any modifications that may be necessary regarding the date, time, or other details. This adaptability is essential for dealing with unforeseen events and making sure the content creator can handle any problems without totally ruining the experience for the audience.

5. Increased monetization opportunities

A carefully planned event allows streamers to strategically align their content with peak viewing times, drawing in more viewers and, as a result, raising the possibility of generating income via partnerships, sponsorships, and advertising. An increased viewership is also helpful in getting donations and tips from viewers other than boosting merchandise sales.

6. Helps build a professional image

Regularly scheduled live streams help to project a polished and professional image of the content creators. Viewers value reliability, and letting them know when to expect your content will foster loyalty and confidence. It reflects discipline and makes viewers realize that you take your content seriously. If you’re planning to host a webinar then this feature of Yostream is your trusted partner.

7. Automatic reminders for viewers

Scheduling live streams and events serve as an automatic reminder for viewers by providing a predetermined time and date for the content. When viewers see the scheduled event in advance, it acts as a mental bookmark, prompting them to set aside time for the live stream so that they don’t miss out on any moment of your wonderful event.

8. Getting a global reach by announcing live streams and events in advance

A thoughtfully planned schedule takes into consideration different geographical locations. This inclusiveness enables viewers from different corners of the world to participate in the live streams as they can plan to watch irrespective of local time constraints. Simply put, if viewers from any time zone are informed about a scheduled event of their favorite streamer, they can manage their time so that they don’t miss out on the live stream. Interestingly, Thursday is considered the most popular day to conduct webinars.

9. Adequate time for promotion

As you can schedule your live streams and events on Yostream in a hassle-free manner, you get adequate time to implement your promotional strategies. You can create teasers, use email newsletters, or leverage social media platforms to generate excitement among your viewers. If you successfully create a buzz, it might lead to a snowball effect of organic promotion.

To sum up, the launch of the 'Schedule Events' feature is momentous for streamers who use Yostream. They can now plan, promote, and interact with their audience more effectively than ever before. It’s an undeniable fact that a new level of professionalism and anticipation is added to live streams when a precise date and time can be determined.
