How To Spread Your Live Webinar Like A Wildfire?

The art of the viral webinar.

Published Feb. 22, 2024
Author Yostream

From promoting a product to hosting a thought leadership conference, the live webinar has emerged as a stage where information meets innovation, where connections are forged beyond geographical barriers, and where the message finds its wings to fly high. Businesses and individuals alike are now widely using live webinars as almost 89% of them believe that they outperform other channels when it comes to generating leads.

In the era of shorter attention spans, the phenomenon of live webinars has emerged as a digital town square where participants from far and wide gather together to learn and grow professionally while having real-time interaction.

How to get maximum engagement for your live webinar?

Acting as a catalyst for social change and economic empowerment, live webinar brings diverse communities closer. However, grabbing the attention of participants and making them glued to your event is not something that happens in a snap. You need to master certain skills and techniques to elevate your live webinar game by making every single event an unforgettable experience. Let’s explore how to achieve this goal:

1. The topic should be compelling

According to a survey, the topic of live webinar plays the most important role in the overall number of registrations. A smartly chosen topic can set the tone for the entire webinar with a higher participation rate whereas a boring one can sabotage the relevance of the event along with potential conversions.


2. Promote the live webinar strategically

Create the buzz beforehand with teasers, hashtags, and catchy graphics, and start promoting your contagious message through various channels like social media platforms, email newsletters, online forums, etc. Your promotion will create a great deal of excitement and expectation, which will greatly increase the engagement for your live webinar.


3. Collaborate with influencers

Influencers are the ring leader of their arena who can provide valuable insights for the live webinar among their followers. Since they have a good fanbase within a specific niche and established credibility, they can be instrumental in the success of an event, bringing in a huge crowd.


4. Choose the right day and timing

You should be aware of the time zone of your target audience or when they’re most likely to be available. Based on research, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday have been identified as the best days for maximum audience engagement. Moreover, live webinars conducted in the morning are 93% more effective than those held in the evening.


5. The live webinar should be visually appealing

Using Yostream as your trusted webinar software, you can add layers of visual impressiveness to your events with custom logos, colors, themes, backgrounds, banners, video effects, etc. Pay attention to the tiniest details and craft a memorable presentation because the brain doesn’t like boring things.


6. Offer incentives for sharing

Whether it’s free access to a premium tool, freebies, discounts, or anything that makes individuals feel rewarded or recognized; by giving incentives you directly tap into human psychology. Such individuals are spontaneously motivated to share your webinar in their network which can significantly amplify your message with increased audience engagement.


7. Optimize for sharing the live webinar

Make it simple for participants to spread the word about your live webinar by including social media sharing buttons and features that make sharing across several channels frictionless. The simplicity of sharing your event with just a click also generates a feeling of empowerment within participants as they contribute to the conversation significantly.


8. Speakers should be knowledgeable and dynamic

Last but not least, if you want to captivate your participants by building enthusiasm about the topic, you need energetic speakers. Such speakers or panelists can inject energy into the presentation by conveying complex ideas in a digestible manner so that participants stay informed and entertained throughout the live webinar session.


Important tips to promote your live webinar effectively:

  • To create anticipation, start promoting your webinar at least 2-4 weeks in advance.
  • Leverage social media platforms to share announcements, teasers, and countdowns.
  • Use your social media accounts to host AMA or Q&A sessions. It can generate significant buzz.
  • Create a contagious title and description and blend them with eye-catching images and graphics to generate an awesome promotional post.
  • Offer early bird registration discounts or incentives to encourage sign-ups. You can also emphasize limited spots or a deadline for registration.
  • To reach more people, make use of Google Ads or paid social media advertising.
  • Partner with like-minded influencers and like-minded businesses to cross-promote each other's webinars.
  • Encourage your staff or associates to spread the word about the live webinar on their own social media accounts.
  • Multistream your live webinar so that audiences on different social media channels can enjoy the conversation simultaneously.
  • To stimulate interest, provide a behind-the-scenes view or a sneak peek at the webinar preparation process.
  • Use guest blog posts or interviews to highlight the speakers' or panelists’ areas of expertise.

To promote your live webinar and increase audience engagement, selecting a sophisticated webinar software may be the most important step. A perfect webinar experience is ensured by Yostream, which offers features like interactive tools, dependable technical support, and seamless streaming.

Yostream offers reasonable pricing plans for hosting a live webinar, and because of its powerful functionality and intuitive user interface, hosts can enjoy a smooth experience without technological difficulties.
